Our Process

We are committed to providing individuals, families, and businesses with life insurance and other financial products and services that meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. Creating an insurance and financial blueprint is a two-way street, which means that the key to getting maximum value from our relationship is communication and candor.

It’s important to:

Get acquainted. Please contact me to arrange a meeting to review your situation and discuss the products and services that can help you.
Educate your agent. Don't expect me to be a mind reader. I may anticipate many of your needs, but will not assume anything. That's why it's so important that you be candid in providing information.
Educate yourself. At the same time, you too should ask a lot of questions. Be inquisitive. Ask me for details and explanations about recommendations and how certain plans may work. Remember, the only "dumb question" is the one that isn't asked.
Make it a team effort. Let’s work together. Listen carefully to the recommendations, but remember all decisions are yours. Make sure you're comfortable with the outcome.

Contact Evelyn

1300 Concord Terrace
5th Floor,
Sunrise, FL 33323

Office: (954) 958-4246
Mobile: (561) 251-2105
Fax: (954) 958-4255


Process Graphic

Here at the office of Evelyn Tai, we utilize a unique six-step process when working with our clients. It begins with getting to know you and what matters most in your life, and figuring out where you are right now financially, and where you want to go. From there, we work as your partner to chart the best course of action to help you achieve your goals and objectives while adhering to your personal tolerance for risk.

Once you're on the selected path, we continue to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed as you transition through the different phases of your life. Read below for more details about the various stages of our client-centric process.

Step 1: Review

Review your individual situation and personal objectives. Every family’s financial situation is unique. That’s why it’s so important to find out as much as we can about you and your financial goals. The more we know about you, the more precise recommendations we can make and the more we can help you. As a result, we may take some time to discuss your hopes, dreams and objectives and the things that really matter to you. This is the basis for the first meeting with anyone we sit down with.

Step 2: Analyze

Analyze and review your needs. As needed, we will work with you to identify and prioritize your objectives, and then help establish benchmark goals. This is important because we live in a world of unlimited choices. People often fail to achieve objectives because they try to accomplish too much at once, or they don't attach specific deadlines to their goals. By breaking down your goals to specific objectives, you can look at available resources and decide which goals are realistic, which need to be adjusted and scaled down, and which simply must be abandoned.

Step 3: Develop

Develop and implement a strategy to help you achieve your goals. Based on our conversation and analysis, we can recommend the steps that it will take to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 4: Coordinate

Coordinate your financial activities. We regularly coordinate insurance and financial activities for clients with the other members of their team of financial, tax and legal advisors. We can do the same for you.

Step 5: Implement

We'll implement your strategy, and work closely with you and your other third party professionals to ensure its success. We'll monitor progress and provide ongoing service as your needs and situation change over time.

Step 6: Summary

Planning is not a one-shot deal. Strategies need to be adjusted periodically as your life and the economy changes. We will work with you over the years to help keep your program on track with your changing needs.

Neither Evelyn Tai nor NYLIFE Securities LLC or its agents offer legal, tax or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal or accounting professional before making any decisions.